segunda-feira, abril 27, 2015

High - Definition Watercolor by Jonathan FrankJonathan... crss


High - Definition Watercolor by Jonathan Frank

Jonathan Frank born in Grand Junction, CO in 1962, is an watercolorist artist currently lives and works in Moab, Utah. He spent his earliest years playing in the canyonlands of western Colorado, and out of that experience, he developed a life-long passion for western lands and the desert. His subject matter is clearly a direct outgrowth of that, but his distinctive style was the result of an early experiment for a high-school art class. As Jonathan tells it:

The outline has since become much more stylized and refined, as well as poignant. I now use a Rapidograph pen with India ink for precision and permanency. The outline also helps to give the whole piece a clean, unified appearance, as well as to emphasize the sheer strength of my subjects. This all results in what I call High-Definition Watercolorvia

Hang out and talk about it all with us on Facebook.

posted by Margaret


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