sábado, março 21, 2015

Jean-François Boclé floods the saatchi gallery in a sea of blue...


Jean-François Boclé floods the saatchi gallery in a sea of blue bags

as a teenager, jean-françois boclé fled his native martinique in exile and now finds his home in france. this experience has fueled much of the artist’s exploration regarding the history of his homeland, and the notion of creolization that has come to define the geographical and intellectual character of the antilles, in the caribbean. in particular, the cross-cultural implications of colonialism which he encountered growing up can be found at the basis of his artistic practice as seen in ‘tout doit disparaître! /everything must go!’ — an installation that is a flood of blue plastic bags, a quasimemorial of the lives which were lost at sea during the transatlantic slave trade. the mass of omnipresent shopping sacs of supermarket checkouts are air inflated, the supply of oxygen animating them, standing to symbolize the priceless commodity that is life

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