domingo, janeiro 31, 2016

Tech Noir - Cinemagraphs of Living Movie Stills Floris... crss


Tech Noir - Cinemagraphs of Living Movie Stills

Floris Kloet (featured previously) aka Tech Noir is a Dutch artist from Hilversum.

A couple of years ago I started a blog on Tumblr and captured moments from movies. I had seen cinemagraphs from movies online, and thought it would be cool if I could make them as well. Once I got the hang of it, I was hooked. I was surprised I could be so creative and was proud of the progress I made producing them. I create cinemagraphs from existing footage (films, documentary, tv series) or shoot my own footage and create cinemagraphs from scratch.

After a while people on Tumblr started noticing my work. Ten people followed me at first, then a hundred and a thousand. Right now there are about 50.000 people following me on Tumblr. And for me it isn’t just some cool thing to do anymore, it has become my absolute passion.

For more check out his Instagram.

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posted by Margaret


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