domingo, janeiro 31, 2016

An Announcement


So here’s something that I’ve been dancing around posting for a while now.

I made this blog on a whim almost four years ago because there wasn’t one already that I fit what I was looking for. I made it and began posting. I’ve been blown away by how popular it is and how much support I’ve gotten. So many of you have sent messages and wonderful comments about it that brighten my day. I’ve gotten featured on Tumblr a few times. Heck I even go an article about me on one of my favorite websites.

So with that I’m going to probably start winding down. It was both a very hard decision and an easy one. It’s been a wild ride but one that I feel like has been ending for a while. I won’t say that running this has been difficult or taxing or anything like that, but eventually it becomes tiring, especially as I’m the only one who’s ever run it.

Posts won’t stop entirely for a while, I’m going to try to post on weekdays for a little while longer, eventually I’ll probably just stop.

It’s weird to say this but I’d like to thank all of my followers. You’re kind words have gotten me through more tough times then you’ve probably realized. It was a lot of fun for a long time!

If for some reason you want to know more about the lady who’s run this thing my personal blog is @dappersden

Peace and love,


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