sábado, novembro 07, 2015

Ryan Tippery is a 26 year old artist based in Chicago,... crss


Ryan Tippery is a 26 year old artist based in Chicago, Illinois. 

He creates art in many different forms, such as paintings, illustrations, and more.

“I made art when I was really young like everyone does. I think that when I was 10 I started to notice that I really enjoyed making art. I remember spending days working on this drawing of an imaginary skyline in colored pencil and loving the whole experience. I decided that I wanted to pursue art as a career while I was in high school, and it’s just been a journey ever since.

Art has always been sort of a coping mechanism for me. I have the urge to create things when I’m upset. I feel like when you work on a drawing or painting while you’re experiencing intense emotion the final piece acts as a vessel for that emotion. Sometimes I’ll just be overwhelmed by how I’m feeling and I’ll draw for hours, and over the course of working the feelings seem to drift away, and the final piece evokes that feeling in an unspoken way.”

Some of Ryan’s favorite artists include Jean Michel Basquiat, Cy Twombly, Jenny Saville, and Feral Kid.

You can support Ryan’s art by visiting his website, and following him on Twitter and Instagram.

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*Featured by Ali

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