domingo, outubro 18, 2015


The GOP clown car has caused some Americans to feel incredibly disheartened — but none as much as the American man who wrote the Queen of England and demanded that she take our country back. While it is unsurprising that a person might beg someone — anyone — to wrest control of the United States from Republicans, especially given the sad state of a Clinton-obsessed Congress who can’t seem to accomplish anything pertaining to a matter that doesn’t end in “-ghazi,” what is shocking about this letter is that he received a reply.
An unnamed man, dissatisfied with the horrific state of American politics, wrote Her Majesty The Queen to “urgently implore” her to “take us back” because “clearly, the options we have to lead us aren’t up to par”:
“Dear Your Majesty and Prime Minister,
On behalf of the American people, I urgently implore you to please take us back. Clearly, the options we have to lead us aren’t up to par. Again, please, I beg of you, make the United States of America a colony of the United Kingdom. For further reasons as to why this is such a necessary, albeit drastic, step, I refer to tonight’s Republican Party primary debate. Thank you. God save the Queen.”
When the letter actually received a response, the author’s friend  posted it  for all to see:
The response was short and sweet and, if the writer was hoping that the United Kingdom would accept us back, he is almost certainly disappointed by the response: They don’t want us. The letter makes it clear that the United States, Donald Trump and all, is on its own:
Dear Mr [Redacted],
I have been asked to write in response to your recent letter to The Queen in which you express your views about the American government.
Whilst your views have been noted, you will appreciate, I am sure, that there can be no question of the Queen intervening in the affairs of another Sovereign state.”
Looks like the US will be stuck with Donald Trump after all.
That letter, of course, was also posted:
Some questioned the legitimacy of the poster’s claim, but it appears to be on the up-and-up. “I hereby submit the envelope into evidence,” he wrote, posting an image of the envelope in which the letter was received:
His/her friend’s letter was “inspired by the second GOP debate,” which “contributed to the level of urgency he felt.”
Yes, watching the GOP debates can be disheartening — and, of course, if the U.K. took us back, we would have fewer “patriots” and police with guns, which would be a huge win for the side of reason — but there is a simpler solution to the problem: Get out and vote.
In 2014, Democrats were far too idle, leading to what amounts to a Christofascist takeover of the House of  Representatives and the Senate. Because of our inaction as a whole, the GOP can’t even select a new Speaker of the House because the House is held hostage by the so-called Freedom Caucus, a group of 40 conservatives who demand that the next Speaker-in-waiting be willing to pledge to kill Obamacare, gut social programs, and defund Planned Parenthood.
2016 is the year that could destroy the Republican party for good. Recently, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the GOP would be “cooked” if it loses next year’s elections. We all have the power to banish extremism — to say “no” to a corrupt political party that belongs in America’s shameful past along with slavery and the various forms of discrimination Republicans typically support. To bring sanity back to our nation.
Start making plans now to head to the polls on November 8. 2016. No excuses.

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