terça-feira, janeiro 20, 2015

Seasonless House / Casos de Casas From the architect. Design...


Seasonless House / Casos de Casas

From the architect. Design your climate to increase your domesticity

The house combines a particular form of urban planning that is taking place in Vinaroz, and in some places on the coast of Castellón. The city has developed a compact and suitable form of urban planning, based simultaneously on the temporality of the two main local seasons of the year. They are two ways of life in one place. One organised around the urban and the formal, and the other organised in a more informal and hedonist environment. In the centre, housing towers accumulate and the horizontal city eliminates the diversity of allotments in front of the sea, creating an urban plan without streets and public spaces derived from the intensive use of old roads, now paved for vehicles. In this context the hot season housing of the citizens of Vinaroz or the second homes of visitors from the interior, present a city with two different habitable infrastructures.

Architects: Casos de Casas

Location: , Castelló,

Architect In Charge: Irene Castrillo Carreira y Mauro Gil-Fournier Esquerra Arquitectos

Area: 361.0 sqm

Year: 2013

Photographs: José Hévia

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