segunda-feira, maio 25, 2015

21 Real Life Photos You Wish Were From A Disaster Movie

Here are some terrible photos taken in the aftermath of some of the worst earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic explosions, and snowstorms ever caught on film.

Thankfully this guy's parking was a little off.
This is not Elsa's castle, but maybe these homeowners should just let it go.
No problem stopping here.
Icicle branches.
All this wood used to be part of the forest before an insane storm hit.
Hurricanes can sometimes make buildings look like wet cake.
You're not tripping out on drugs. This is what an earthquake does to railroad tracks sometimes.
You're not tripping out on drugs. This is what an earthquake does to railroad tracks sometimes.
Just think of all the traffic this is going to cause.
Looks like someone sacrificed a goat to the storm gods last night.
This looks like a river...until you see the road sign.
This hurricane caused a boom in fence fishing.
If earth waves were a thing, this is probably what they'd look like.
It's always pretty great when you need a boat to commute to work.
I mean, if you were gonna clean out the garage anyway...
On the bright side, this person now owns TWO homes.
Love those city lights. Wait...
If you saw this while on the beach, you would pretty much have to yell "GODZILLA!" right?
Well, even 1,936 years after the explosion, the bodies in Pompeii are still super spooky.
Have a seat.
Just a reminder that tornados destroy everything good in this world.

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