quinta-feira, dezembro 11, 2014

These Crazy Things by Crazy People will Drive You Crazy


These Crazy Things by Crazy People will Drive You Crazy

Sometimes, you won't understand why people are just too ignorant.

1. Sir, do you know what the umbrella is for? Google it now!

Sir, do you know what the umbrella is for? Google it now!

1. Dear, the 9-1-1 emergency hotline came to existence way, way before the 9/11 attacks took place.

Dear, the 9-1-1 emergency hotline came to existence way, way before the 9/11 attacks took place.

2. The iPad is not a phone! Have you heard about earphones?

The iPad is not a phone! Have you heard about earphones?

3. Dude, do you have a better question than that?! Or do something else!

Dude, do you have a better question than that?! Or do something else!

4. Sunset in the morning? Can you check your thesaurus, please.. Sorry, I mean dictionary!

Sunset in the morning? Can you check your thesaurus, please.. Sorry, I mean dictionary!

5. And you still managed to point out a correction? Wrong correction!

And you still managed to point out a correction? Wrong correction!

6. Seriously?! Do you even know what you are doing and what can happen after?

Seriously?! Do you even know what you are doing and what can happen after?

7. Did you take up basic geography? Maybe you were absent when US states were discussed.

Did you take up basic geography? Maybe you were absent when US states were discussed.

8. Go get a legit car wash boy if you don't want to break your car.

Go get a legit car wash boy if you don't want to break your car.

9. Calling President Obama! Do you think China would be happy about this?

Calling President Obama! Do you think China would be happy about this?

10. You badly need help. Your condition is serious and requires an immediate attention.

You badly need help. Your condition is serious and requires an immediate attention.

12. Great that you're quitting! Guess too much cigars have affected your brain too.

Great that you're quitting! Guess too much cigars have affected your brain too.

13. Miss, you're handling your luggage the wrong way. Know why it comes with wheels?

Miss, you're handling your luggage the wrong way. Know why it comes with wheels?

14. When did Mercedes Benz change its logo? We're not informed!

When did Mercedes Benz change its logo? We're not informed!

15. Doesn't the box tell what it's for? Read with your eyes.

Doesn't the box tell what it's for? Read with your eyes.

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