sexta-feira, setembro 04, 2015

James Doran Webb - Driftwood Sculptor James Doran Webb is a... crss


James Doran Webb - Driftwood Sculptor

James Doran Webb is a Brtish-born sculptor, based in Cebu, Philippines. He has always loved antiques and has been working with wood, making models and miniature sculptures since he was a small boy. James started to design driftwood furniture in the early 2000’s and it was while playing with the various natural forms that he was drawn to experiment with his first driftwood animal sculpture.  His large supply of wood has made it possible for him to find the pieces which most lend themselves to the natural form and shape needed to give his animals the movement and reality he strives to obtain in every piece he creates.He works in his studio full time alongside a small team of assistants who help him sort and clean the wood, weld the steel frames and generally assist where and whenever they are needed. Follow him on Facebook.   

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posted by Margaret


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