quinta-feira, agosto 13, 2015

Shocking pictures from inside neo-Nazi military camp reveal recruits as young as SIX are being taught how to fire weapons (18 Pics)

Azov battalion, the far-right militia defending the port city of Mariupol, eastern Ukraine, runs the course for children
During the week-long course, they teach so-called 'Azovets' how to fire weapons and survive in a conflict zone 
Camp comes under command of Andriy Biletsky, who once admitted that the battalion 'do not like ceasefire at all'
Conflict broke out in April 2014, when separatists rebelled against rule of Kiev's new Western-looking government

Preparation: Young boys prepare their guns at a military youth training camp run by the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists

 Disturbing: The course, which lasts about one week, is organised by the ultra-Nationalist Azov brigade, which has been openly against the ceasefire agreed in February in Minsk

 Lessons: Children, many of whom have parents in the right-wing battalion, attend the court to learn about the military, self-defence and survival skills. The group's symbol is a black swastika on a yellow background

 Volunteers: The children, known as 'Azovets', stay in tents before taking part in several different exercises reminiscent of a warzone

 Gearing up: One of the young girls at the summer camp, which lasts one week, learns how to load up a weapon during the course

 Knotted: Some of the group work with an instructor to learn how to tie a variety of knots in different length ropes

 Leader: A young boy is picked out to demonstrate his gun-handling skills as a group of other young children watch on and learn

 Studying: The children take part in imaginary drills which reflect real-life situations, including how to crouch down and spot the enemy

 Right-wing: The camp comes under the command of Andriy Biletsky, who once admitted that the battalion 'do not like ceasefire at all'. The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and several members are white supremacists or anti-Semites

 Offensive: A group of young children learn how to hold a shooting pose before pointing their weapons towards an imaginary target

 On the mark: The group work with mock weapons and practise how to evade fire from the enemy during one of the sessions

 On the attack: A young boy holds a mock weapon and creeps behind a wooden fence as he takes part in drills at the summer camp

 Bullseye: The young children are learning how to defend themselves, as the conflict continues around them. It has killed nearly 7,000

 Fall in line: The children, most of whom don the required yellow uniform, walk across the camp, ready for a day of military action

 Coached: An incredibly young student eyes up the target during practice. He is helped by one of the military volunteers

 Crawling to safety: Two young boys crouch down on the ground and wiggle on their fronts towards safety, while holding weapons

 Raring to go: One of the students puts on his shoes, ready for the day ahead. The group sleep in tents during the intensive course

Target: This picture shows one of the guns, lined up alongside one of the drawn targets, which the children aim to try and destroy

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