domingo, junho 28, 2015

2015 Pratt GAUD Exhibition Floating Installation... crss


2015 Pratt GAUD Exhibition Floating Installation by  SOFTlab 

Leadered by Michael Szivos and Ryan Whitby–both of new york city’s SOFTlabPratt Institute’s Graduate Architecture & Urban Design program conformed an art installation that explores digital fabrication methods as while showcasing the previous year’s student work. 

The hanging installation was made of over 800 panels. These were each custom laser cut, assembled, and clad with custom cut images. Each panel rotates through a CNC cut disk, two strings, and a weight that keeps the panel aligned. The overall form of the piece is vaulted creating cavities for visitors to explore the work as well as view the models below. By faulting the volume it not only references the gravity driven nature of the piece but also allows visitors to be immersed in the paneled volume without disturbing them. 

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