sexta-feira, dezembro 16, 2016

Paintings by Ryan Hewett Ryan Hewett is a South African born... crss


Paintings by Ryan Hewett

Ryan Hewett is a South African born artist (1979), based in Cape Town.

Hewett’s Portraiture is opposed to the traditional portrait of capturing the subject’s likelihood in terms of appearance, for Hewett the portrayal is not about an external similarity of a subject; but somewhat as a gateway to an inward voyage of self-exploration. 

Hewett’s method of producing art does not entail models posing where the artist would then be able to study the subject, to produce realistic depictions. Photographs establish his starting point, thereafter he relies essentially on the free-flowing progressions of reminiscence and artistic imaginings. 

His work embodies inspiration drawn from portraits which capture truism. Fundamentally Hewett believes that the subject matter of all art is, ultimately, the self, Hewett comments on his subject matter, “Many of the works start out as self-portraits, but I try not to paint with any preconception – the images need to evolve on the canvas.”  via candicebermangallery

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posted by Margaret


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