quarta-feira, outubro 19, 2016

veryprivateart: Street Art by Valdi Valdi  “…Right now,... crss


Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography

Valdi Valdi street art Interview and biography


Street Art by Valdi Valdi

 “…Right now, artists are aiming to “impress” people, when we should aim to “inspire” them.” V.V.

Born as Thiago Rogério de Castro Furtado in a coastal city Florianópolis in Santa Catarina state, Brazil, he is a young graffiti artist, painter and illustrator known as Valdi Valdi. Full Article and Interview. Hitting 10 years mark painting murals, Valdi-Valdi has grown a lot like a child has grown out of his shoes. When he compared his present-self to his younger-self, he admitted that he had learned only recent years how to manage his creative process, instead of spontaneous impulsive expression. -> Full Article and Interview


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