sexta-feira, outubro 21, 2016

Iconic Movie Characters in Illustrations of David MurrayDavid... crss


Iconic Movie Characters in Illustrations of David Murray

David Murray is an Irish designer and illustrator currently living in London.     He has sketched the runway collections of designs like Balenciaga or Givenchy, donned by your favorite movie characters.

I’ve always loved horror and science fiction movies, as a kid, the characters were always so appealing to me. Fashion week collections often hold elements such as silhouette, color, pattern and graphics that I can compare to many of the costumes I’ve seen on the characters in these movies. Most likely not by chance, as we’re aware many of these fashion houses dip into these fictional worlds as their source of inspiration when designing their collections. I simply establish the similarities and combine the characters with the garments that I feel the best compliment them. via

Click here to check out Murray’s Instagram account and follow his work on Tumblr.

Don’t forget to tag #crossconnect in your tweets!

posted by Margaret


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