sexta-feira, setembro 23, 2016

Embroideries by Jessica Tang Jessica So Ren Tang is a... crss


Embroideries by Jessica Tang

Jessica So Ren Tang is a Chinese-American artist. She received a Bachelor of Art in Studio Art from Mills College, Oakland, and has exhibited in various galleries.

With embroidery, I explore my Asian-American born identity-the dualism of being too Asian to be American, and too American to be Asian. In my object series, I recreate familiar Asian American objects that take on the visual identity of the original object but reject said identity due to its material.

In my girl series, I replace the facial identity of suggestively posed Asian women with Asian textile patterns. The patterned skin creates a broader spectrum of Asian identity; it becomes more ambiguous and fluid as identity moves between the two.

Follow her on Instagram.

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posted by Margaret


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