segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2016

Artist: Nadine Defer Nadine draws body fragments with strong... crss


Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

Artist: Nadine Defer

 Nadine draws body fragments with strong sensuality from live models. She focuses on mundane details, opting for a close up view. This photographic framing allows her to highlight the curves of the body: the arch of a foot, the articulation of a hand or the eroticism of a female bust. The way she uses colour allows her to modestly deal with the nudity. Through the broad layers of bright paint, she interposes a discreet veil between the model and the observer.

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