domingo, maio 15, 2016

Sahana RamakrishnanIt would be nice for there to be some... crss


Sahana Ramakrishnan

It would be nice for there to be some external means to reach internal equilibrium, right? But no such panacea exists. Except maybe in art like Sahana Ramakrishnan’s. You get drawn into her lines, dark and smooth like direct thought, and into her forms, simultaneously familiar and mythic, like the stepping stones to enlightenment, and you feel the coming of a sense of peace, of a sacred sense of wellbeing, an almost religious reaching out, a moiling turmoil made right for those willing to be receptive.

If you’ll be in New York any time from now until May 21st, you’re in luck—Ramakrishnan is having a show at her studio. Check it out!

And, if you have Facebook, you’re in double luck, because we do, too. Don’t be afraid, be a friend!

Posted by The Chromatic Watch.


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