domingo, dezembro 13, 2015

Paintings by Milan Nenezic Milan Nenezic is an artist born... crss


Paintings by Milan Nenezic

Milan Nenezic is an artist born in 1983 in Belgrade, Serbia. He is graduated at “Faculty of Fine Arts” in Belgrade, Serbia, 2008, department of painting.

In my work I’m dealing with human body, human perception, the way we see and project ourselves at the outside world. I amparticularly interested in different states of consciousness, their impact on the perception of time and space - what we call reality. I believe that every state of mind can affect in which way the matter will appear. Dreams as altered state of consciousness together with the symbolism of dreams (unique symbols of each individual and how we communicate with ourselves through them) is another important part of my work. The way in which we exist in this framework, for me is a huge source of ideas and insight into the human being.

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posted by Margaret


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