sexta-feira, dezembro 04, 2015

ofhouses: 249. Riken Yamamoto /// Fujii House /// Yokohama,...



249. Riken Yamamoto /// Fujii House /// Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan /// 1982

OfHouses guest curated by Jeff Kaplon (Subtilitas):
The idea of live vs. work.
Similarly to Casa Rotalinti, the idea of the 24 hour habitation cycle is the guiding methodology behind Yamamoto’s Fujii’s house, but here the architect focuses on the relationship of living and working within the same space. The client’s dental practice sits firmly on the ground floor, monolithically treated with thickened concrete walls and exaggerated, cavernous entries. The living quarters above rest on this fortified base and are treated as conversely as possible. A simple lightweight post and beam timber construction with large glazed apertures follow a path around the roof that forms outdoor courtyards. Windows butt-up directly against structural members to eliminate frames and avoid additional visual clutter, reinforcing Yamamoto’s desire to dramatically diverge the comfort of living from the activities below.
(Recent photo: © wakiiii. Photo source: ‘Riken Yamamoto’ (Tokyo: Toto, 2012);; wakiiii.)

My third selection for ofhouses

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