The Brilliant Concept Art of David Levy ( Vyle-art )
David Levy is a leading international concept artist. He studied industrial design and architecture in France and the Netherlands respectively, and is currently working in Los Angeles, California as senior concept artist in the movie and videogame industry. He has contributed to projects for many game platforms and recently worked on the development of Prince of Persia 3 and Assassin’s Creed both at Ubisoft in Montreal. In Los Angeles he has worked on the major motion pictures: Tron Legacy, from Disney, The Thing, from Universal, Prometheus, from 20th Century Fox and Ender’s Game, from Odd Lot Entertainment. He also worked for imagineering, Disney doing architectural roughs. His interests and unique skills in video gaming, film and industrial design make him a sought after expert in his field. He currently is a senior concept artist at Lightstorm, working on the avatar sequels.
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