quinta-feira, setembro 10, 2015

Realistic Wheat-Pasted Figures Playfully Interact with Parisian... crss


Realistic Wheat-Pasted Figures Playfully Interact with Parisian Streets

Artist Charles Leval, aka Levalet, continues to delight us with his wheat-pasted characters that cleverly interact with their surroundings. Using the streets of Paris as his playground, Levalet installs the realistically-rendered, life-sized figures on tattered buildings and boarded-up windows, sometimes combining his giant drawings with ornate fountains to create the illusion that these architectural elements have suddenly sprung to life.

Levalet’s pastings add an element of fun to the urban environment. They turn distressed locales into makeshift art galleries. Each location is suddenly yet seamlessly turned into the site of an atypical art venue featuring Levalet’s amusing works. These artworks include anything from the image of a young man riding an ostrich to a woman walking her menagerie along a bus stop. And in a nod to the city’s history, there’s even a person about to launch themselves out of a 17th-century style cannon. Each piece is unique and immerses itself into the landscape, making living in the city a more enriching experience. Via MMM

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