segunda-feira, julho 13, 2015

Just Do Unto Others Indiegogo (by John Serpentelli) Prejudice is... crss


Just Do Unto Others Indiegogo (by John Serpentelli)

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible. -  Maya Angelou

Why you should help fund this project:

Every day in the media there are stories of people judging people in ways that they they would not like to be judged… and the results create so much pain.Just Do Unto Others is an ongoing series of short animated films that allow individuals to voice their experience of being the target of discrimination, how it made them feel and what they did about it. Understanding leads to a better world.

This series aims to remind us all to stop and consider life from the other person’s perspective. And it will also serve to help those who suffered to heal as well as others who have been judged to realize that they are not alone in their experience.A range of people between the ages of 6 to 26 covering different cultures, races, religions and physical body types will be interviewed. Their real stories of being judged by their appearance, discriminated against or victimized by bigotry will be made into short broadcast quality animated films.

If prejudice is taught then acceptance can be taught. And what better way than to present real people sharing their stories on how prejudice affected them thereby making them a real person who we can relate to, which will illustrate the reality that our similarities are greater than our differences.


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