Photorealistic oil paintings by Charles Hartley
I grew up near Portland, Oregon, received a Bachelor’s degree in physics from Portland State University, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Colorado. For thirty years I taught physics, astronomy and the occasional beginning computer-programming course at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York. I retired in 2006. During my physics career I had articles published in Sky & Telescope Magazine (two), the Journal of the Astro Space Stamp Society, the Proceedings of the Colonial Shore Bird Society, the Journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the American Journal of Physics, to name a few.
I bought canvases and oil painting gear when I was in college and created several truly horrible oil paintings; thankfully none have survived. In the meantime every four to six years I created a few more very mundane paintings, only a few of which survive. A year after I retired from teaching I figured out some of what I was doing wrong with my painting and started producing classical realism paintings. I have no formal training in art, but I have been fortunate enough to have visited a number of the great art museums of the world and seen examples of the finest paintings. I paint mostly from my travel photographs, picking the subject matter because it offers something I think I will enjoy painting.
Art not only for connoisseurs. Posted by Margaret
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