quinta-feira, maio 21, 2015

Paintings by Geoff Dyer Geoff Dyer has forged a career... crss


Paintings by Geoff Dyer

Geoff Dyer has forged a career spanning five decades as one of Australia’s most respected landscape painters. Dyer came to fame in 2003 winning the Archibald Prize with a portrait of his great mate, and now Man Booker Prize for fiction winner, Richard Flanagan. Despite this achievement in a portrait prize, Dyer continues to explore the landscape through his paintings.

Born 1947 in Hobart, Tasmania, Geoff Dyer’s art is infused by the power and majesty of the natural world. Dyer continues to challenge himself, his latest body of impressive work is inspired by English painter J.M.W. Turner. In Dyer’s own words, “lately my work’s been evolving, less narrative and more concerned with light.”Elements of the Tasmanian West Coast evoke Turner, with rapid changes of light due to the Roaring 40s and climatic conditions, however these works are more about a journey through a landscape rather than a specific place.

Inspiration find at red-lipstick.

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posted by Margaret


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